Meditation Course
We are offering a 8 Week Proven Steps to Meditation Course. Which will guide you through Three Basic Stages of learning meditation.
We have one course starting:
Thursday, January 30 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Please click here to learn more and register, Meditation Course
Relaxation and Posture
Tranquility (Concentration)
Meditative Analysis
Brief instruction the above topics are followed by meditation practice.
Once a month we have a lecture on a variety of topics
Meditation for Children
Specially crafted instruction for children to learn meditation. Parents and children of any age are welcome. Half-hour sessions are offered in June, July, and August.
Open Meditation
Silent, open group meditation. Meditate for the length you prefer.
Spiritual Power of Sound
A harmony of mantras and live instrumental music. Profoundly relaxing. Followed by 30 minutes of silent meditation.
Day long intensives and multi-day retreats for deeper instruction and practice.